Robots.txt Generator wirh Ai

Ottimizzazione del motore di ricerca

Robots.txt Generator Ai

Predefinito: tutti i robot sono:  
Mappa del sito: (lascia vuoto se non hai) 
Cerca robot: Google
  Google Image
  Google Mobile
  MSN Search
  Yahoo MM
  Yahoo Blogs
  DMOZ Checker
  MSN PicSearch
Directory ristrette: Il percorso è relativo a root e deve contenere una barra finale "/"

Ora crea il file "robots.txt" nella tua directory principale. Copia sopra il testo e incollalo nel file di testo.

Di Robots.txt Generator Ai

Robots.txt Generator Ai is a tool used to create a robots.txt file for a website. A robots.txt file is a text file placed in the root directory of a website that provides instructions to web crawlers, such as Googlebot, about which pages or sections of the website they can or cannot access.

Key features:

  • Rule creation: Allows users to create rules that specify which parts of the website should be accessible to web crawlers.
  • Disallow directives: Enables users to disallow web crawlers from accessing specific pages or directories.
  • Allow directives: Permits web crawlers to access certain pages or directories.
  • Sitemap specification: Can be used to specify the location of the website's XML sitemap.
  • Customization options: Offers various customization options for controlling web crawler access.


  • Controls web crawler access: Prevents web crawlers from indexing unwanted or sensitive content.
  • Improves website performance: Reduces the load on the website's server by limiting the number of pages that web crawlers can access.
  • Protects privacy: Helps protect sensitive information from being indexed by search engines.
  • SEO optimization: Can be used to optimize a website for search engines by ensuring that only relevant content is indexed.